With Xur selling Gjallarhorn for the first time, those Strange Coins are even more valuable now than ever before!The following methods are the best way to legitimately earn coins as efficiently as possible:Level 28 PoE The Level 28 PoE playlist provides players with matchmaking facilities for the Prison of Elders "end game". This signifies the importance of earning that Glimmer cap first rather than repeatedly hunting for Glimmer.Enjoy the Strange Coin farming and go get those unlimited coins and Exotic gear!!! Post Patch SolutionsNow that Bungie have patched the above exploit, it"s back to the traditional coin earning methods.

This is the hardest part of the strategy because earning Glimmer can take time and the Xur is only around for 3 days. You"ll be creating a new character, buying the coin, putting in vault, delete and repeat.If you get low on Glimmer, go back to step 1 and earn more Glimmer to reach the maximum Glimmer cap again. Repeat steps 3-7 Now just repeat steps 3-7. Thus freeing up the slot for another new character.8. Delete character As this new character is only going to be used to farm Strange Coins, you can delete it. Remember, although Glimmer is shared between all characters, coins are not shared so you need to use the Vault.7. Put the Coin in the Vault Now that your new character has the coin, go and put it into the Vault (near the spawn point of the tower) so your other primary character can take it out. Buy another Strange Coin from Xur Xur will still be at the Tower, so go over to the same place and trade in another 2500 Glimmer for another coin.6. It"s a bit tedious but just rush through the mission as fast as possible.5.

The Tower will be locked for your new character so you"ll need to get through the early missions to get access again.